

Coach Smash

Able to withstand an onslaught of kitten terrorism and excessively dog barking. Mother of two. In a committed relationship for 20 years. Can kinda still do one pull up. I'm a bona-fide 50 mile ultramarathon finisher.


CrossFit Level 1 Certification

Precision Nutrition Certification

ACE Certified Personal Trainer

Owner and operator of Smash-Fit Personal Training and Coaching LLC.

About Coach

Little back story: don't cry for me, everything turns out okay! I've been a struggling addicted homeless teenager. A very young single mother with two children before the age of 22. I moved to Ohio after being born and raised in FL. I didn't play any sports except for a very short stint running in high school, after which I dropped out at the beginning of 11th grade after being tossed out of my home by an abusive alcoholic father. I have moved around and displaced many times growing up. Lots of different schools. I never had a real chance to put down any deep roots. My extended family, my grandparents always cared deeply for me and I had close relationships with my aunt and cousins even though we didn't always live close enough for actual support. My mother is a saint, and the fact that she finally got out was a miracle. Even with extended family, my childhood and into my 20's was a very tumultuous existence at best. I'm one of the lucky ones who survived abuse, the streets, drugs, and sexual assault. I now have a loving husband and two grown sons. The main highlight of my life: I broke the cycle of abuse. I will always be very proud of that.

Turning Point

Growing up not feeling valued was the most difficult part of my life. It stuck with me for a long time and in my 30's I had come to a place of deep despair. I had taken to heart that I was of no value. That I was never enough. For many years I treated my body as if it was not important and didn't deserve care because I was not worthy of it. In 2015 I decided I'd had enough of it. I quit a stressful job where I didn't truly feel like I was making a difference. I stopped smoking cigarettes that same week. After 15 years of being an enemy of my own lungs. I started walking and keeping track of my steps. I started building awareness of how much I was doing. Then I started CrossFit at Midnight City CrossFit. This place helped me change my life. It was the first community in which I felt valued. My size and ability didn't matter. I was at a starting point and everyone who walked through those doors was willing to buy into my journey for an hour, 3 times a week. Before long I was doing The Open. My feats of strength grew and I was feeling proud of myself for the first time in a long time. I started to teach a boot camp class and focus on my certifications. Now I am a thriving business owner with a loving community of gym family, friends, and clients. I run ultramarathons because I love it and I can. I've learned how to take care of myself properly. My mind and body are the strongest they have ever been. I've been sober for almost a full year and that is one of my proudest achievements. Currently, I'm investing in coaching for myself as I embark on my biggest goal yet, Indiana Ignite 100 mile Ultramarathon in October 2021.

Motivation & Passion

My passion is meeting people where they are at. Helping someone see that they can change things if they want to. If they want to work hard and invest in being just a little bit better each day, they can make it. They can do it. I love working one on one with people. Making connections and hearing their stories and motivations. I have become a student of the human condition, of why and how we do what we do. There are so many amazing people out there just waiting to connect with someone who values their goals and efforts. Who is invested in their journey? Like my MCCF family taught me, it's about the buy-in. Putting in just a little bit of effort, care, empathy, and ultimately a love for others is what makes a difference in someone's life. I'm here for it.

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